Embarking on a journey to the Windy City in August 2023, we found ourselves amidst the vibrant streets and iconic landmarks of Chicago. Our two-part(more…)
Author: jebeck89
Embracing New Adventures: Switching Gears on the Blog
Have you ever felt like there were countless moments that slipped through your fingers, opportunities to share experiences and thoughts that just passed by? Well,(more…)
And Now We Wait…
Let me start by saying that I am sorry for taking yet another break. I thought this blogging would be fun and easy. I was(more…)
Embryo Transfer
One week ago today, January 21, our surrogate mother received the embryo. Let’s take a step back and talk about this process. With our agency,(more…)
A 2022 Update
Happy Neay Year to everyone. I can only hope that this year will be better than the last. As I scroll through Facebook and Instagram(more…)
Playing Catch Up
The Beck Boys I wanted to start this off with a humble apology. It has been sometime since I last posted and there is no(more…)
Closing out 2020
Our December was far from normal. Not just because it was 2020 but because my Husband just had brain surgery. Not the news you really(more…)
Our First Post
We don’t have a catchy title or flashy lights but we do have a story to tell. My name is James Beck. I grew up(more…)