One week ago today, January 21, our surrogate mother received the embryo. Let’s take a step back and talk about this process. With our agency, things are completed a little differently. Instead of picking a surrogate mother, you have one assigned to you based on hormone levels and what your specific needs are. The doctors review the quality of the embryo and the specific hormone levels of all the surrogate mothers and then pick the best one for your specific embryo. Yes, this is done very differently from most other agencies but I kind of like this. I think it is a great approach as you are spending a vast amount of money and they try to do everything to make you successful in having a baby, which we can all agree is the most important part. So on Tuesday, January 18th we received an email from our medical coordinator stating a surrogate mother had been assigned to us and if approved the transfer would take place on January 21st. TO say that we were excited would have been an understatement. I was in the middle of a meeting with a tenant and I just excused myself from the room and walk back to my desk to ready the email in private. The email had an attachment with all of the information about the surrogate. This was amazing to see her face and all of her information. We approved the surrogate mother. 

We are currently headed to South Llano River State Park to camp for the weekend. We are trying to get our mind off of thinking about the pregnancy test which will happen on Monday the 31st. This is a very odd emotional time for us because you have to force yourself to not get too excited and also stay cautiously optimistic. 

I will have an update for yall next week. Please keep your fingers crossed and please keep us in your thoughts.